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Chocolate Sculpture


Exposed graphics

I was asked to create a chocolate centerpiece for EXPOSED: The Barnstormers 7th Annual Winter Soirée at the Shelburne Museum. The party celebrated the "Time Lapse: Contemporary Analog Photography" exhibit, featuring modern photographers using 19th-century photographic techniques.

Exposed chocolate sculpture
Exposed chocolate sculpture

During my research I stumbled upon some old TinTypes and fell in love with the cameras they used to create early photographs. There's just something so lovely about the depth of these cameras and all their tactile buttons and levers.

Exposed chocolate sculpture
Exposed chocolate sculpture

As Shelburne Museum describes it, the exhibit highlights those that experiment with the mutable medium of photography and employing a variety of materials—from cyanotype dresses made of tamale wrappers to a three-dimensional shelter displaying tintype portraits.

The exhibit is on display until March 8th, 2020. The chocolate centerpiece was devoured at the party 😄

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